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Parent Involvement directly impacts the success of the child

Children with an opportunity for both learning and fun with their parents at home

Parents with an enhanced sense of their own abilities and the satisfaction of teaching their children

Families with the support and guidance of trained peer home visitors and professional coordinators

HIPPY Research

Texas HIPPY is evaluated yearly, using a statewide pre and post test Parent Involvement Survey and a Kindergarten Teacher Survey. Results of the Parent Involvement Survey demonstrated a considerable increase in the amount of time HIPPY parents spent engaging their children in literacy activities at home as well as significant increases in parent involvement.

The Kindergarten Teacher Survey examines the school readiness, skills and classroom behavior of children who completed HIPPY, compared to their “non-HIPPY” peers. The numbers overwhelmingly exhibit the program’s effectiveness. We know the programs works when we hear from elementary school principals like Kay Reynolds, who commented, “My Pre-K teachers comb through their class roster at the beginning of the year looking for HIPPY kids and their parents!”

School Readiness

The HIPPY curriculum is aligned with the TEA guidelines for PreK and Kindergarten, and has been highlighted in the Introduction of the PreK Guidelines as a program that helps “families develop language and pre-literacy skills in their young children.

Research demonstrates that an overwhelming percentage of HIPPY students are deemed "ready for school” when compared to their non-HIPPY peers.

When compared to economically disadvantaged students statewide, HIPPY children performed better in both STAAR Reading and STAAR Math testing.

Developing leaders

  • "HIPPY provides parents wih the support and confidence they need to become leaders in their community.

  • The HIPPY learning environment develops the home instructors personally and professionally.

  • HIPPY home instructors are former parents in the program. Having discovered the joy of reading to their own children they are trained to share instructional techniques and enthusiasm for learning."

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