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HIPPY is a home visitation program that serves as a catalyst for change at all levels - family, school, and community - by increasing school readiness and parent involvement.

Kids in Preschool

Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters

HIPPY utilizes an internationally recognized method of teaching parents of preschoolers how to prepare their young children for success in school.

“Joyfull learning experience with my children”

Our program empowers parents as primary educators of their children

Home is where the start is

HIPPY empowers parents as the primary educators of their children. We foster parent involvement in school and community life to maximize the chances of successful early school experiences.



Our Communities

Back to School


Coalition of Health Services


301 S. Polk St. Suite 740, Amarillo, TX 79101

Ready to Join?

Want to interact more with your kids and be the part of their very first lessons.


We want you ...

Want to be  a part of the great team for the great causes?

There is no greater investment to be made than in building a brighter tomorrow one child and one family at a time. Whether your investment is time spent advocating for school readiness and parent involvement, volunteering to help as a HIPPY mentor, hosting a HIPPY event, everything you do makes a difference.

Writing in a Notebook

Special Thanks to our Partners!

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